Cleaning Darkroom Equipment
Dishes, tanks, and other processing equipment sometimes become discolored or coated with decomposition products of photographic solutions. While this does no harm if a tank is always used for the same type of solution, it is still better to clean all tanks each time they are emptied.
The simplest method of cleaning a dish or tank is to wash it out several times with water and then wipe the surfaces with a clean cloth. This approach is preferable to the constant use of strong cleaning solutions. One should resort to this only when normal washing with water is ineffective. Most cleaning solutions are either strong alkaloids or acids and should be used with caution. Follow cautionary instructions on the packaging labels of cleaning chemicals!
Stains from oxidized developer are usually brown or yellow-brown in color. Fresh stains can often be removed by washing with soap and detergent and wiping with a cloth. Heavy staining requires the use of a strong oxidizing solution. These cleaners will also remove most deposits of silver or silver sulfide.
Film clips, pliers, etc., can be soaked in a 10 percent acetic acid solution (1 part glacial acetic acid to 9 parts water) for one hour. The acid tends to loosen the deposit. Then wash with clean water and scrub the deposit off with a stiff brush.